I have the same issue and unfortunately I didn't find any nice way to
troubleshot this kind of problems too.
So if someone knows a better way to do this kind of trouble shooting I
would love to hear it too.
So far I rely on debugging to understand what I "did wrong" with my
I typically put a debug point around this lines and check if the complex
entity as all the expected info:
In my case when I don't get the data encoded this typically means that
the Encoder doesn't like my XML schema and refuses to encode the data.
So try to paste the excerpt of your schema that is not encoded here with
some context (the schema and the mappings) and maybe someone will give
you some feedback (I will try).
Nuno Oliveira
Post by k***@harris.comHello again everyone,
I'm working on creating some app-schema mapping files for some complex schemas and have been having a few issues. Specifically, I've got some elements that for some reason refuse to populate. I don't get any errors during boot up nor when a request is processed, the element is just omitted in the final output. With verbose logging enabled it appears that the data is loaded. A TRACE log message [org.geotools.data.complex.filter] displays when a request is made and does contain the element (and sub-elements) in question.
I'm curious if there's any additional troubleshooting I can perform to figure out this issue.
GeoServer: 2.10.0
Tomcat: 8.0.33
Kevin M. Weiss
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Nuno Miguel Carvalho Oliveira
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