[Geoserver-users] How filters(in YAML or SLD files style) are proccessed by Geoserver?
2017-04-25 15:28:43 UTC
Hi geoserver-community,

My name is David, this is my first post in the list and I feel curious about how SLD styling works in Geoserver. I am styling some layers using YSLD files and I am using filters in my rules. These filters look like this:

name: style_example
title: projects
- rules:
- filter: ${ Attribute1 = 'Value A' AND status = 'Ok'}
name: Ok
- point:
size: *size
- mark:
shape: circle
fill-color: '#0000FF'

I have lots of similar rules and the statement Attribute1 = 'Value A' never changes.
I have used the following way for working with variables:

define: &attribute_name ${Attribute1 = 'Value A'}
name: style_example2
title: projects
- rules:
- filter: *attribute_name
- filter: ${status = 'Ok'}
name: Ok
- point:
size: *size
- mark:
shape: circle
fill-color: '#0000FF'

Would you know if Geoserver process these two types of styling in the same way? I mean, needs Geoserver to import the data twice when I use two filters in my rule instead of compounding the statements in only one filter?

The next thing may it be related or not but, I have tried to compare the SLD version using the Rest API(Geoserver version 2.10.2), and I couldn't be able to get the SLD version of my style:
Even though I am able to download the yaml version(native extension of the style) using the Rest API, I can not get the SLD (transformed) version of the style. I have the following answer from Geoserver:
Undefined resource path.
(However, I am able to get the SLD and YAML version of the example styles of Geoserver)

Thank a lot,

Deutsche Telekom IT GmbH
Technology Solution
David Lopez Villegas
Oberkasseler Strasse 2, 53227 Bonn, Germany
+49 228 18149623 (Phone)

E-Mail: david-***@telekom.de<mailto:david-***@telekom.de>
Internet: www.telekom.com<http://www.telekom.com>

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Andrea Aime
2017-04-25 17:11:43 UTC
the rules here are a bit complex. In general GeoServer tries to make a
single query per layer to the data source by combining in OR the various
However, some data sources report errors or have very poor performance with
large/complex filters, so there is a hard-coded limit
of 20 combined filters to be sent to the database, if we go above, only the
BBOX filter is sent and all other filtering happens in memory.

This limit rarely needs tweaking so it's not exposed in the UI or
configuration, but if you need to change it, you can set a system
variable, servlet variable, or environment variable to alter it. It's

For example, a system variable given to the JVM running GeoServer would
look like this:


Post by D***@telekom.de
Hi geoserver-community,
My name is David, this is my first post in the list and I feel curious
about how SLD styling works in Geoserver. I am styling some layers using
name: style_example
title: projects
- filter: ${ Attribute1 = 'Value A' AND status = 'Ok'}
name: Ok
size: *size
shape: circle
fill-color: '#0000FF'
I have lots of similar rules and the statement Attribute1 = ‘Value A’
never changes.
define: &attribute_name ${Attribute1 = 'Value A'}
name: style_example2
title: projects
- filter: *attribute_name
- filter: ${status = 'Ok'}
name: Ok
size: *size
shape: circle
fill-color: '#0000FF'
Would you know if Geoserver process these two types of styling in the same
way? I mean, needs Geoserver to import the data twice when I use two
filters in my rule instead of compounding the statements in only one filter?
The next thing may it be related or not but, I have tried to compare the
SLD version using the Rest API(Geoserver version 2.10.2), and I couldn’t be
Even though I am able to download the yaml version(native extension of the
style) using the Rest API, I can not get the SLD (transformed) version of
Undefined resource path.
(However, I am able to get the SLD and YAML version of the example styles of Geoserver)
Thank a lot,
*Deutsche Telekom IT GmbH*
Technology Solution
David Lopez Villegas
Oberkasseler Strasse 2, 53227 Bonn, Germany
+49 228 18149623 <+49%20228%2018149623> (Phone)
Internet: *www.telekom.com* <http://www.telekom.com>
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Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

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2017-04-28 14:48:59 UTC
Hi Andrea,

Your explanation has been concise and actually clear, I understand better now how Geoserver works with styles, thank you so much.

Best regards,

Deutsche Telekom IT GmbH
Technology Solution
David Lopez Villegas
Oberkasseler Strasse 2, 53227 Bonn, Germany
+49 228 18149623 (Phone)

E-Mail: david-***@telekom.de<mailto:david-***@telekom.de>
Internet: www.telekom.com<http://www.telekom.com>

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