Hi Patrick,
this is useful. What happens when a layer points to a missing style, or has
no style?
Is the specific preview not working, or the entire page not displaying?
Also, do you have any idea of how you got there? The UI and REST API should
perform validations and disallow setting null as a layer style, and removal
of a style
should replace it with a default built-in style.
Post by P O'TooleAndrea â
Just to briefly follow up on this, a colleague figured out recently that
our issues with broken layer-previews in Geoserver (or layer-previews that
were not always working) were due to either having an invalid/missing style
or having no default style for a couple of layers. This didn't seem to mess
with ordinary requests from outside applications, just the layer-previews
from within Geoserver's web-console. Perhaps that's because other platforms
consuming WMS were doing GetCapabilities to find styles and/or leaving out
the &styles= argument from the URL entirely.
- Patrick
Of *Andrea Aime
*Sent:* Thursday, March 23, 2017 1:42 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver reload issue
Hi Patrick,
we use the preview daily without particular problems, if you can pinpoint
exactly what does not
work as expected please do open tickets at https://osgeo-org.
Best tickets provide a way to reproduce the issue, with eventual sample data and the like
Thomas -
Post by Thomascurrent netcdf become unavailable to see. It is created and enable in
geoserver storage, layers and group also but when going to layer preview
there is nothing.
I have not had great experience with Geoserver's layer-previews reliably
working in general. Sometimes it seems they refuse to work, even though the
services themselves are perfectly fine. If you can provide the essential
REST-config commands you're sending to Geoserver to add a new
layer/store/etc. and share a (sample) netcdf-file that fails to preview
after adding it that way, that may be useful to maintainers so that they
can make fixes.
In the meantime if it's difficult to know in your script if layer-previews
aren't going to work, you might just have the same scripts that create the
netcdf-files issue a series of WMS-requests after creating the new services
in Geoserver, and save PNG-images or something so they can be examined by a
- Patrick O'Toole
Application Developer
Wyoming Natural Diversity Database
UW Berry Biodiversity Conservation Center
Department 3381, 1000 E. University Av.
Laramie, WY 82071
P: 307-766-3018
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Ing. Andrea Aime
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GeoSolutions S.A.S.
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Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
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