I think can stick with the workaround i found for now, thinks are
of one. When i have some time i will create a ticket with some sample data.
Post by Andrea AimeHI Emmanuel,
I see, if you are using an existing data store the contents are likely
being read and re-written out using
the wrong charset for reading, instead of just dumping the file as is
(the REST API has no clue about
what the target store is or does, it's just going through standard
store interfaces).
Maybe you can try deleting the target store (if it's a single
shapefile) and re-creating it as a workaround.
I'd still open a ticket, attaching a file that can be publicly shared
with everybody and instructions to reproduce.
Maybe it can be looked at in one of the monthly bug fix stomps (as
usual, no guarantee about if or when it
be looked at).
If you need to share private data, or need a quick fix, then I believe
commercial support is the way to go.
On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 12:00 PM, Emmanuel Blondel
Thanks Andrea for your prompt reply.
First when i create the shapefile, i encode my DBF as UTF-8. The
shapefile is always pushed through API using charset UTF-8, and
the target is a shapefile datastore (or directory of datastores
depending on the case). I don't dump it to a database.
1- if my target shapefile datastore is initially in UTF-8
charset, I upload my shape, then Greek names are badly encoded in WFS
2- if instead my target datastore is initially in ISO-8859-1,
when i upload, here it's still badly encoded, but by updating the
datastore charset through the GUI, and looking my WFS response,
everything is correctly encoded
Looking at this (strange) behavior, i've set a temporary
workaround in order to make it work programmatically for my Greek
step 1- Check if my datastore already exists, If yes, i
updated it. If not i create it. In both cases, i set charset to
step 2- Upload the shapefile (and publish the layer if not done)
step 3- Update the datastore charset to UTF-8
With this procedure, my output is a WFS layer with Greek names
well encoded, in a shapefile datastore with charset UTF-8. But i'm
wondering why point 1 here above doesn't work.
I'm going to send you privately one shapefile i've created so you
could look at it.
Many thanks in advance
Post by Andrea AimeOn Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 9:11 PM, Emmanuel Blondel
I'm currently trying to publish shapefiles in a Geoserver,
where the specificity of the shapefile is that it handles
characters from others alphabets (my current case is with
Greek names). The shapefile i have has been generated by
setting the DBF encoding to UTF-8. This shapefile creation
goes fine, and i can exploit and read correctly the shapefile
in other softwares.
⢠If I push it to a datastore configured with DBF encoding
"UTF-8", my names are badly encoded through WFS response.
⢠on the other hand, i could get properly encoded names in
WFS if I do the following: before pushing it to the
datastore, my datastore is set with "ISO-8859-1" encoding for
DBF; i then push my shapefile. If i go to the datastore, and
change DBF encoding from "ISO-8859-1" to "UTF-8", then look
at my WFS response, it's fine. And of course, if I try to
upload again my shapefile to this last datastore, i lose my
encoded names...
I don't understand, the above charset operations are done via the
UI or the REST API?
And are you trying to configure the shapefile as-is, or dumping
it into a target database (e.g., postgis?).
Do you have a set of reproducible steps to run against a vanilla
GeoServer installation?
Andrea Aime
==GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
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Andrea Aime
==GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
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