[Geoserver-users] Error when create datastore using cURL Rest API
Jinzhou Zhang
2017-05-04 23:42:58 UTC

I am using cURL API to do operations over my geoserver. Now I am stuck
on creating data store.

From cURL API's official tutorial, I should create a data store using
this uri:


I did it and a data store was posted on my geoserver. However, the data
store is different from data stores I created manually. Here are the
1. the data store doesn't have a default feature type which can be
published as a layer
2. when I click it in datastore tag, it doesn't pop up a screen where I
can edit it. Instead, it gives me this error page

Do you know how can I resolve the issue? What I need is a regular data
store which I can use to publish a layer.

Thanks and Regards,

Jinzhou Zhang
