in origin the processes would only receive Java objects, however some
needed access to the
raw contents, so RawData was created.
Do you really need a link to the original data, in other words, a raw
representation of what the
user entered (which could be anything, ranging from a link, to a binary
blob, a POST request, or
even a call to a sub-process).
That seems a bit extreme to me, what's the use case?
As far as I know, there is no way in WPS to declare that you will only
accept a link, besides accepting a string
that's the link itself (and then use the documentation to explain the link
structure, what it should return, and so on).
On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 3:01 PM, chadi jaber <***@hotmail.com>
> Hello Guys Thanks for your answers,
> @Patrice <inmail-hit-***@linkedin.com>
> I considered using a string to replace the geom parameter but we will
> loose the wps interface typing the geotiff is seen as a LitteralData string
> type (when we do the describe process request for example).
> @Andrea
> I think I ll try your solution knowing that there is something like this
> already implemented in the examples (https://github.com/geoserver/
> geoserver/blob/master/src/community/script/py/src/test/
> resources/org/geoserver/script/py/raw.py)
> This solution create a more strongly typed XML (relatively to the first
> solution) however we ll loose the possibility to pass the data as a
> reference (through the xlink attribute in the input element)
> Thanks again,
> Chadi
> ------------------------------
> *De :* ***@gmail.com <***@gmail.com> de la part de Andrea
> Aime <***@geo-solutions.it>
> *Envoyé :* vendredi 7 juillet 2017 09:42
> *Ã :* P O'Toole
> *Cc :* geoserver-***@lists.sourceforge.net; ***@hotmail.com
> *Objet :* Re: [Geoserver-users] Reference download in geoserver WPS
> extension
> Hi,
> in the Java world a process that wants to do its own encoding/decoding can
> be done using
> the RawData class as input or output, as follows:
> @DescribeResult(name = "result", description = "Output raster", meta =
> {
> "mimeTypes=application/json,text/xml", "chosenMimeType=outputMimeType"
> })
> public RawData execute(
> @DescribeParameter(name = "data", description = "Input
> features", meta = { "mimeTypes=application/json,text/xml" }) final
> RawData input,
> @DescribeParameter(name = "outputMimeType", min = 0) final
> String outputMimeType,
> @DescribeParameter(name = "returnNull", min = 0, defaultValue
> = "false") final boolean returnNull) {
> However, I don't know if this can be translated into the scripting modules
> support for WPS, or not (these
> modules are unsupported and have not been modified in quite some time, not
> sure what is their
> working state... contributors helping to revive them warmly welcomed :-) ).
> Cheers
> Andrea
> On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 10:24 PM, P O'Toole <***@uwyo.edu> wrote:
>> Chadi -
>> >Hello,
>> >I am currently using the WPSextension for geoserver (2.10) and the
>> python script hooks in order to add my own processes.
>> >I noticed that geoserver downloads the image before giving a handle on
>> the "geom" object in the python script.
>> >Is it possible to disable this feature and to have only the URL
>> reference passed to the script hook ?
>> >If no, is it possible to download locally the file before executing the
>> script ?
>> One way around this would be to declare the 'geom' input-parameter as a
>> string, and then simply instantiate objects as-needed within Python. That
>> way, the Java/WPS container will not try to do any downloading
>> for you if you don't want it to, since it would just see a string, rather
>> than a remote resource. Jython should allow you to import the GeoTIFF class
>> from Java as you would a regular Python module so you can build it yourself
>> as needed (e.g. `from org.postgresql import PGStatement` and `import
>> java.sql.SQLException` work fine from Jython, despite those being Java
>> packages rather than Python modules.)
>> If that approach doesn't fit your requirements, I would recommend finding
>> the handler-class that takes these requests and prepares to give them to
>> Python, since it sounds like it happens before long before Python starts
>> to do any work on the request. In either case, the could should reveal
>> whether there are branches that skip downloads under certain conditions. If
>> there aren't, you may need to create a subclass that has the behavior you
>> want.
>> - Patrick
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> Regards,
> Andrea Aime
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